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About Us

Welcome to ChildrenWhoCode, where we're not just teaching kids to code; we're preparing them for a future where digital literacy is as essential as reading and writing. Our offerings span two main verticals: Certification Courses for individual learners and Comprehensive Tech Education Solutions for schools. We are committed to empowering schools to nurture the next generation of innovators, creators, and leaders.



Founded in 2023, ChildrenWhoCode (CWC, earlier known as TenbyTen) embarked on a journey to:

  • Bridge the gap between traditional education and the evolving demands of the 21st century.

  • Stand as a leading tech education provider for K-12 students.

  • Offer a rich variety of courses and services, from core programming to Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Web and Mobile App Development, Blockchain, Drones and more.

  • Collaborate with industries and renowned universities to enhance our curriculum. 

Our mission is to make quality tech education accessible and affordable, ensuring that every child has the tools they need to succeed in an increasingly digital world.

Words from the Founder

"As a Computer Science University Professor, I've seen firsthand the transformative power of technology. But I've also noticed a glaring gap: our children are growing up as consumers of technology, not creators. That's why I founded ChildrenWhoCode. We're not just another ed-tech company; we're a movement aimed at equipping our youth with the skills they need to shape the future. We believe in the boundless potential of young minds, and we're committed to unlocking it, one line of code at a time."

— Dr. Sonal, Founder, ChildrenWhoCode
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Our vision is to:

  • Become a global leader in K-12 tech education.

  • Build a collaborative ecosystem with schools, universities, and organizations.

  • Deliver quality education that's affordable and accessible, overcoming language barriers.

  • Ignite innovation and coding prowess in students, empowering them to not only adapt to but also drive the digital evolution.

Our Vision

Our Mission

We are on a mission to:

  • Democratize tech education across India.

  • Ensure every child has the opportunity to learn and thrive in the digital era.

  • Provide a comprehensive curriculum through our dual verticals of Certification Courses and School Tech Upgradation.

  • Foster partnerships with schools, industries, and universities.

  • Create a holistic learning ecosystem that nurtures curiosity, innovation, and excellence, while maintaining affordability and accessibility.

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